Buying a bag every other week can put a hole in your pocket. But handbags can become an investment when you buy quality bags of various sizes. The different sizes are used for different occasions, such as doing errands or going to the gym. Purchasing quality handbags will cost you the same as buying many of the same size bags. Having a lot of bags will do you no good if you forget that you own them because they are stored away or because you're too lazy to keep switching.
An ideal handbag collection would comprise of a small, medium, and large sized bag.
Small bags are great when you are running errands or going out. This Marc by Marc Jacobs crossbody bag allows your hands to be accessible when you're out and about.
 | Marc by Marc Jacobs $198 |
This Coach Top Handle Pouch can be transformed from a shoulder bag to a wristlet. The shoulder bag is used during the day, and when converted to a wristlet it can then be used for going out.
 | $138 |
Medium sized bags are best for everyday use because you are able to put anything from your lipgloss, coin purse, or camera in there and still have room for a large wallet. This Kate Spade bag has a top zipper so there is no need to worry about anything falling out.
 | Kate Spade $172 |
If you want a medium sized bag with a longer strap, then this Marc Jacobs Quilted bag is suited for you. The bag has ample room but is not too big to use for a night out or for everyday use. Since it has a longer strap, you would have enough room around your arm when you wear a large winter coat.
 | Marc Jacobs $795 |
Large bags allow you to pack the extra bulky stuff, such as ballet flats or heels to change into when it snows outside. The Kate Spade bag below has a divider in the middle to help keep you organized when you bring your whole house with you.
 | Kate Spade $445 |
The Longchamp Le Pilage Nylon Tote is a great investment because it is easy to clean and large enough to put a pair of shoes, wallet, and any cosmetics in. It comes in an array of colors such as black, brown, violet, and red.
 | Longchamp $145 |
So when purchasing a pricey handbag, think about it as an investment. It's better to have a couple quality ones than a bunch of cheap imitations.
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